Friday 25 June 2010

Moving Ahead

There are still many of your stories coming in and we value your time and energy in relating them to us. Thank you so much. We are still looking at them all to make a decision, so if you feel inclined to share your history and future with us, then please share a one sheet report.

We are continuing to be discovered all the time,which means that you are helping spread the word, again thank you. The latest find is the blog of Mindy Kitel's CFS Central do check it out not only for our glowing write up, but the mass of information that she accrues there.

Now we must mention here, judging from some emails that we are receiving, that in no way shape or form can you judge the film from the teaser trailers, or the confirmed interviewees, (which actually means the people in the teasers) we are in the process of development, which means just that. The film will not resemble the teasers, they are there to give the gist of where we are going, but if different paths open then we will explore them. Again, it is the nature of the beast for change to occur in documentary storytelling. We go with the story there is no script or set locations, written in stone. I hope this clears any confusion.

Do keep tuned!

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